Wien oscillator

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Build a sine wave generator. I use this schematic:. The op-amp I have used is the TL082 and the power supply of 9V. However, I do get a nasty sound, indicating that I am not getting a sine wave but rather a distorted waveform. Any idea why this is happening Do you know any list of components for the wien oscillator that can generate accurate sine waves Note that the explanation is

Wien oscillator
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that the self heating causes the resistance of the bulb to stabilise at around Rf/2. You need to choose Rf such that Rf/2 is an achievable resistance for the filament at a reasonable (small) current. I am trying to build a sine wave generator. I use this schematic:. The op-amp I have used is the TL082 and the power supply of 9V. However, I do get a nasty sound, indicating that I am not getting a sine wave but rather a distorted waveform. Any idea why this is happening Do you know any list of components for the wien oscillator that can generate accurate sine waves Thanks Dave and Steve! I bought a linear 1k potentiometer to use as Rf, but I`m still not getting a sine (I keep getting the nasty sound). The bulb I am using is 12V 65mA. Is the small current in the fillament enough to cause the bulb to emit visible light At what point in the travel of the 1k trimpot does oscillation cease If it is right up against the end stop (near zero ohms) then you should replace the trimpot with one of a much smaller resistance. The correct adjustment of the 1k pot is somewhere between the point where there is no sustained oscillation and where the output is a square wave. You see one of these extremes, do you see the other It may even help to place a smaller value trimpot in series with a larger one so you have expanded control around the critical point. The critical point may vary slightly between ranges. The latitude in adjustment...

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