ac switching question

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The AQV20 series should be fine to drive an A. C. relay coil if the de-energizing back EMF from the relay coil does not exceed 600 v rating. It is diode in series with a conducting MOSFET. Might want to add two back to back zener surge suppressors across relay coil to be sure. That SSR should work fine for you application. It`s input is isolated fr

ac switching question
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om the power line and just requires a small DC current to turn on (make sure you use a current limiting input resistor or you will blow the input control diode). The AQV20 series should be fine to drive an A. C. relay coil if the de-energizing back EMF from the relay coil does not exceed 600 v rating. It is diode in series with a conducting MOSFET. Might want to add two back to back zener surge suppressors across relay coil to be sure. You should not need any suppressors since a TRIAC automatically turns off when the current through the inductor goes to zero. There thus will be no back EMF. In regards to the MOCZ500, isn`t there some no-no about using zero crossing circuitry with inductive loads like a solenoid It had to do with the current and voltage being out of phase, but I couldn`t really get my mind around why. Also, I measured the largest amp draw coil I am to switch, and it was drawing 465mA. If I were to use the MOCZ500, which has a current limit of 500mA, am I not giving the SSR enough room to operate reliably After looking around a bit, it seems that the MOCZ500 rights were sold from motorola to fairchild, but fairchild doesn`t even list it as a valid part on their website. It may be falling into the nether regions of part availability. Anybody know of a similar part In regards to the MOCZ500, isn`t there some no-no about using zero crossing circuitry with inductive loads like a solenoid It had to do with the...

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