agriculture based robot e project

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A prototype model of Agriculture Based Robot . Till recently the farmers were using age-old instruments in cultivating their lands. They themselves were putting the manuallabor. Hence there was thelabor problem. Farmer`s facing this type oflaborshortage. Because, now the youngsters are attracted by the city life & jobs in the towns. The farmer`s struggled from thislaborerproblem. figure 1. 1 and figure 1. 2 shows the implementation

agriculture based robot e project
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block diagram of The Agriculture Based Robot . The block diagram consists of Microcontroller Unit ( P89V51RD2), IC, RS-232 port, Key-pad, TV, Wireless Camera, Motors &driver circuit, etc. It is nothing but a receiver. This unit consists of receiving antenna, receiver, decoder, 8051microcontroller IC, motor driver circuit & motors. Here the signal is received from the antenna and goes to receiver. Then we can decode signal with the use of decoder. All motors are controlled by the motor driver circuit & with the help of 8051microcontroller. Camera Transmitter: It consists of camera, RF controller, transmitter, & transmitting antenna. Here the camera capture or view the images. That can be converted into RF signal and transmitted through an antenna. It is our actual transmitter. It consists of controlling switches, Encoder, and Transmitter. Here the spraying action and all other actions are controlled by this unit. STEP1:- Our robot helps to farmers in such a way that, control it by sitting at home. We can construct/adopt the camera circuits for this application. The robot gives the clear picture as well as noiseless sound. So we can see your fields sitting at home. STEP2:- With the help of robot, we can spray pesticides or water to the field. And the robot covers more distance of the fields. We can use submersible pump for spray pesticides to more distances. STEP3:- The moving right, left, forward, reverse, all type of...

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