am dsb transmitter for hams

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The circuit of AM transmitter is designed to transmit (amplitude modulated) DSB (double side band) signals. A modulated AM signal consists of a carrier and two symetrically spaced side bands. The two side bands have the same amplitude and carry the same information. In fact, the carrier itself coveys or carries no information. In a 100% modulated

am dsb transmitter for hams
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AM signal 2/3 rd of the power is wasted in the carrier and only 1/6th of the power is contained in each side band. In this transmitter we remove the carrier and transmitt only the two side bands. The effective output of the circuit is three times that of an equivalent AM transmitter. Op Amp IC741 is used here as a microphone amplifier to amplify the voice picked up by the condenser microphone. The output of the op amp is fed to the double balanced modulator (DBM) build around four IN4148 diodes. The modulation level can be adjusted with the help of preset VR1. The carrier is generated using crystal oscillator wired around BC548 transistor T2. The carrier is further amplified by transistor T1, which also acts as a buffer between carrier oscillator and the balanced modulator. The working frequency of the transmitter can be changed by using crystals of different frequencies. For multi frequency operation, selection of different crystals can be made using a selector switch. Ths output of the DBM contains only the product (of audio and carrier) frequencies. The DBM suppresses both the input signals and produces double side band suppressed carrier (DSBSC) at its output. However, since the diodes used in the balanced modulator are not fully matched, the output of the DBM does contain some residual carrier. This is known as carrier leakage. By adjusting the 100 ohm preset VR2 and trimmer C7 you can null the carrier leakage. To...

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