arduino pulse to transistor power maximum

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

If they have to be both powered from the battery do I need to connect the emitter to the ground of the Arduino AND the battery to stop all the current from flowing through the Arduino ground and get a clean pulse or do I just connect the emitter to the battery negative and the signal will be OK. In whatever configuration is best where is the best place to put a analog meter that is rated up to 3 amps

arduino pulse to transistor power maximum
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so that I can see total power consumption of the board and the transistor circuit. Lastly I am using this to pulse the high voltage side coil in a microwave transformer so it has a lot of impedance and when pulsing it it draws about 300 mA max so could I power the Arduino via USB and the transistor from the battery so that I can reprogram on the fly and have a set pulse instead of using the pot. (as in write the code for a certain delay and upload while running) Is it intentional to have a varying delay of n milliseconds, where n is the value read from port A0 each time Also, is that delay required twice, once after setting the output pin high, once after setting it low You will require a base resistor between pulse (Pin 8) and the Base of the 2n3055, with a value calculated depending on how much current you intend to allow through the Collector. If you are using the transistor as a switch, then a minimum of around 220 Ohms is suggested, to keep current from the pulse pin under around 25 mA, well within the safe limits for each pin: Absolute Maximum for each pin is rated at 40 mA. You could power the Arduino from USB and the transistor from the battery, so long as the ground of the Arduino is connected to the negative pole of the battery. Put it in series with the coil you are driving, if you want to measure the coil (the transistor`s Collector) current. If you want to measure the combination, both Arduino and transistor...

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