basics of electricity

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The study of electricity revolves around a few common terms that describe the behavior of electrical charge. Electrical charge and its associated phenomena are a fundamental part of the world that we live in. The understanding and use of electricity is largely responsible for the advanced technology that we enjoy today: electric light, heat, digit

basics of electricity
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al computers, television, music on CD, DVD video, radar, microwave ovens, cell phones, and on and on and on. The first recorded studies of natural attractive phenomena  occurred among the ancient Greeks over 2, 500 years ago. That`s right, over 2 thousand 5 hundred years ago. Over the last 2 or 3 hundred years, and particularly in the last century, that understanding has grown tremendously. In fact, some of the most interesting work relative to this limited discussion was done over a 40-year span between 1785 and 1826. The fundamental unit of electric charge is the COULOMB, named for Charles Augustin de Coulomb, a French physicist (1736-1806). The smallest concentration of charge is contained in a single electron, a subatomic particle. The Coulomb is an extremely large amount of charge, or stated more precisely, an electric charge equal to 1 Coulomb requires an extremely large number of electrons. The charge of a single electron is 0. 00000000000000000016 Coulombs. That`s 18 zeros in front of the 16. Stated in the notation that scientists prefer, called coincidentally, scientific notation, that amount of charge would be 1. 6 x 10-19 Coulombs. So 1 Coulomb of electric charge represents 6. 25 x 1018 electrons or 6, 250, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 electrons. That`s a whole bunch of electrons (6. 25 billion billion or if you prefer 6. 25 million trillion). In fact, if each electron was a large as a marble, with a ½ inch diameter,...

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