how to make capacitive discharge

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The ignition process in any vehicle becomes the heart of the entire system as without this stage the vehicle just won`t start. To initiate the process, earlier we use to have the circuit breaker unit for the required actions. Nowadays a more efficient and long lasting mechanism has been developed for the ignitions in vehicles, called the capac

how to make capacitive discharge
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itor discharge ignition system. It incorporate an electronic circuit precisely functions like the old contact breaker, but in a solid-state electronic manner. Basically as the name suggest, ignition system in vehicles refers to the process in which the fuel mixture is ignited for initiating the engine and the drive mechanisms. The ignition coil, which is very popular and we all have seen them in our vehicles is especially designed for the above stepping up of the input source voltage However the voltage from the alternator cannot be directly fed to the ignition coil because the source may be low in current, therefore we employ a CDI unit or a capacitive discharge unit for collecting and releasing the alternator power in succession in order to make the output compact and high with current. Referring to the above capacitor discharge ignitioncircuit diagram, we see a simple configuration consisting of a few diodes, resistors, a SCR and a single high voltage capacitor. One source is a low voltage around 12 volts while the other input is taken from the relatively high voltage tap of the alternator, generating around a 100 volts. The 100 volts input is suitably rectified by the diodes and converted to 100 volts DC. This voltage is stored inside the high voltage capacitor instantaneously. The action generates a magnetic induction inside the coil and the input from the CDI which is high in current and voltage is further enhanced to...

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