how to make vibration detectormeter

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Whether it`s truckthrottling over the highway, or an airplane roaring about the sky, or whether it`s a knock on the door or a purring of the cat or simply your heartbeats, the vibration level detector circuit explained here will sense them all and convert into beautifulsequencingLED light bar graph indications. The number of LEDs lit in the bar graph at any

how to make vibration detectormeter
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particular instantindicatesthe magnitude of the vibration force at that particular instant. Vibration is nothing but the ruffling of the air due a corresponding force generated from an external medium. Forexamplewhen we speak, our vocal chords vibrate and generate the corresponding patterns of disturbance in the surrounding air. When these air vibrations enter our ear, our eardrum also vibrate at the same frequency making it audible toour respectivesensory organs. The pitch of a vibration also becomes a major factor in determiningtheirnature and strength. Pitch and frequency are probably the two factors which make a particular vibrating information more distinct with their technical specs. As an example, a whistling sound may be shrill and might reach longer distances, but the grumbling sound from a mixer grinder even being much stronger won`t reach across longer distances. Though our ear isequippedwith pretty impressive detecting capabilities, these organs cannot tell you the exact magnitude of a particular vibration force. The circuit diagram below shows a rather simple configuration using the versatile IC LM3915 from TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, which aloneperformsthe function of sensing as well as displaying the vibration levels. Sound vibration force striking the piezo electric transducer generate tiny electrical pulses inside the transducer, or rather the device converts all vibrations hitting its surface into small electrical...

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