ir remote controlled switchboard rc5

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

As more than one switches are to be controlled, we have to transmit a number of bits through IR transmission to indicate which is key is pressed on the remote and accordingly which switch of the switch-board to control. In this project, this is done by using a ready-made IR remote control which works on RC5 protocol. RC5 protocol was developed by Phillips for controlling

ir remote controlled switchboard rc5
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consumer electronics such as TV, VCD-DVD Player, etc. through IR Remote Controller. This type remote controller can be found in Phillips` 90 channel TVs. This is a very popular IR protocol and very easy to understand. Basically, in a RC5 protocol, when a key on the remote controller is pressed, a total of 14 bits are serially transmitted. This includes 2 Start bits, 1 Toggle bit, 5 Address bit and 6 Data bit. These 14 bits are transmitted on a carrier of 38/36 khz carrier by using Manchester Coding. High and Low time are 889 us. For more on Manchester Coding and RC5 protocol, read this. At the receiver, TSOP1738 receiver is used. It removes the carrier and provides serial data. This serial data is applied to AT89C51 microcontroller for decoding serially transmitted data and control the output accordingly. Relays are used for switching action and they are controlled by the microcontroller through the ULN2803 IC. Circuit diagram is shown below :

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