Subwoofer Filter Circuit Using Op-Amp TL072

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Here is a simple subwoofer filter circuit that can be powered by a 12V DC. This circuit is very useful in automotive applications subwoofer. The circuit is a low pass filter whose pass frequency can be set between 60 to 160 Hz The circuit is built around the TL072 dual op amp IC BIFET. Of the two operational amplifiers inside the chip, IC1A is wir

Subwoofer Filter Circuit Using Op-Amp TL072
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ed as a buffer. The left and right audio inputs after mixing is fed to the input of the IC1A using the DPDT switch S1. Switch S1 is the phase control switch which can be used to make the subwoofer in phase with other speakers. When S1 is in position 2, 180 degree phase shift will be induced. POT R7 can be used for controlling the level. IC1B forms the low pass filter whose pass frequency can be controlled by adjusting the dual gang POT R13.

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