lamp dimmer circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is the circuit diagram of the simplest lamp dimmer or fan regulator. The circuit is based on the principle of power control using a Triac. The circuit works by varying the firing angle of the Triac. Resistors R1, R2 and capacitor C2 are associated with this. The firing angle can be varied by varying the value of any of these components. Here

lamp dimmer circuit
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R1 is selected as the variable element. By varying the value of R1 the firing angle of Triac changes (in simple words, how much time should Triac conduct) changes. This directly varies the load power, since load is driven by Triac. The firing pulses are given to the gate of Triac T1 using Diac D1. Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board. The load whether lamp, fan or any thing, should be less than 200 Watts. To connect higher loads replace the Triac BT 136 with a higher Watt capacity Triac. All parts of the circuit are active with potential shock hazard. So be careful. >< Ini adalah diagram rangkaian dimmer lampu sederhana atau kipas sirkuit regulator. The didasarkan padaprinsip kontrol daya menggunakan sirkuit Triac. The bekerja dengan memvariasikan sudut penembakan Triac tersebut. Resistor R1, R2 dan kapasitor C2 adalah terkait dengan sudut tembak this. The dapat divariasikan dengan memvariasikannilai dari setiap R1 ini components. Here dipilih sebagai unsur variabel. Dengan memvariasikan nilai R1sudut penembakan perubahan Triac (dalam kata-kata sederhana, berapa banyak waktu harus Triac melakukan) changes. Thislangsung bervariasi daya beban, karena beban didorong oleh pulsa menembak Triac. The diberikan ke pintu gerbangTriac T1 menggunakan D1 DIAC. Merakit sirkuit pada kualitas yang baik PCB atau beban board. The umum apakah lampu, kipas angin atau hal apapunharus kurang dari 200 Watts. To...

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