Your Duino Starter

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This manual will show you how to use each of the components in the kit, and give you software Sketch examples for each one. Then you can combine some components to make examples of Automatic Systems such as a lighting controller. The Arduino `IDE` software looks virtually the same on Windows, MAC or Linux, but the Installation procedures are diffe

Your Duino Starter
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rent. Below, you can pick which one you need. (WikiPedia) is the software you use on your computer to write software Sketches and then upload and run them on the YourDuino hardware. The IDE is like a word processor for writing software. On the right, let`s look at some of the features of the Robo1 board as used in these Starter Sets. At the lower left is the PWR LED which should light up whenever the board is plugged into a USB connection, or has power from an external power supply. At the upper left there are two green LEDs which will blink when a software sketch is being downloaded to the board, or other data is being transferred over USB. At the top is a red LED which is internally connected to pin 13 through a current-limiting resistor. It should blink after you load the example BLINK software sketch. The colored 3-pin connectors make it easy to connect many input and output devices. The Vcc(+5V) pins at upper right and the (Ground) pins at the lower right are good for connections to breadboard etc. You should have followed the IDE Installation for your PC/MAC Operating System and now you`ve got your YourDuino plugged in and running. The POWER "ON" LED is on, right And the "13" LED is blinking (This may be a little different for the various YourDuino versions and the `13` LED may or may not blink now). Let`s take a little while to get used to writing Arduino Software, then we`ll come back and start connecting your...

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