laser asc

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This chapter provides detailed schematics of a variety of power supplies suitable for use with the common Ar/Kr ion tubes available to the hobbyist on the surplus market. Included are examples of commercial designs (Omnichrome 150R and 532 head, Lexel 88 and head) as well a somewhat simpler but fully capable system for small air-cooled ion tubes (

laser asc
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SG-IL1) that may be constructed from readily available parts and will be satisfactory for typical experimental and light show applications, and may be easily modified to handle larger ion tubes or provide additional features. There are also a couple of `bare bones` designs (SG-IT1 and SG-IX1/SG-IY1) that can be `thrown together` relatively quickly and inexpensively and are useful for basic testing of Ar/Kr ion laser tubes. Either of these can be converted into a full featured unit at a later time. There are also schematics of several other ion laser heads including those from NEC and Cyonics/Uniphase, as well as interconnect wiring for some common systems. In conjunction with the other chapters on Ar/Kr ion lasers, these sets of schematics can be useful for understanding the principles of operation of ion laser power supplies or for repair of a broken unit. While what are presented here aren`t really complete plans, with a bit of effort, they can be adapted to a variety of ion laser tubes to provide any degree of performance and sophistication desired - from basic and simple to full featured with all sorts of bells and whistles. Brief descriptions are also provided of the Lexel-95 PSU, Spectra-Physics 265 exciter with a 165-3 argon head, and a few other systems. Schematics for these may be added in the future. The chart below lists each of the power supplies described in this chapter (most with schematics) and the...

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