make your own portable Guitar Amp

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The guitar is a wonderful musical instrument which is capable of providing both melody and rhythm. However, every guitar player would have experienced the problem of low volume. The guitar is rarely heard unless the surroundings are absolutely quiet! To solve this problem, the guitar amp is often employed. If you have some knowledge in reading cir

make your own portable Guitar Amp
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cuit diagrams, this tutorial will guide you to make your very own portable guitar amp. Estimated cost: The cost here depends entirely on what you will have to purchase, what you already have and what you manage to scavenge. Hence, it is totally variable. 8. Now built the circuit that is necessary. Instead of going into the details of explaining the circuit, we present the circuit diagram below. Follow it to the hilt. 9. Hook the positive end of the charger to one terminal of an ammeter. The other terminal is connected to the positive end of the battery. Connect the negative end of the battery with the negative end of the charger. Ans: The speaker that has been suggested here has a resistance of 8 ohms and can thus handle about 3 Watts of power. It is also shallow in its depth and makes it possible to insert heat sinks. These specifications are important for the project and it would be better to stick to the above mentioned speaker unless you can obtain another one with the same specifications. Different speakers will also give different performances. Experiment at your own risk. Ans: Heat sinks help to dissipate the heat that is formed in the circuit. Too much heating can harm the circuit. The heat sinks used in this project are nothing but cut pieces of a regular heat sink that have been filed to fit in. You can glue them using thermal glue that is available. 2. Be careful while using the hot glue and quick glue. These...

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