microSD ATmega32 Data-Logger

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Aim of this project is to present a way to store a large quantity of data into microSD card in files with FAT32 format. Here, ATmega32 is used for data collection and microSD interface. The data is received from in-build 8-channel ADC of ATmega32. One channel is used for reading temperature from LM35 sensor and remaining channels are used for simp

microSD ATmega32 Data-Logger
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ly reading voltages and storing them. This project can be used to interface 8 different sensors with ADC of ATmega32, similar to the LM35 used here. The data is stored in CSV (comma separated values) format, which can be read using a PC/Laptop with Microsoft Excel or other compatible software. A snapshot of the excel file is given later in this post. This project is an example of how to use the microSD FAT32 library presented in my earlier post. In that post, the files were created using hyper-terminal and entering data with the PC keyboard, since that demonstrates the file creation and it`s easy to debug. But many users have requested to make the file creation independent of the terminal, done inside the microcontroller, so I`m showing here how to use those functions independent of terminal. If you have directly landed on this page, it would be more helpful if you visit the original post first as it would be a better starting place for learning SD or FAT32 functions. The project contains RTC interface (for date and time storage), RS232 (for connection with PC) and a microSD module. Here, the hyper-terminal connection is required only for setting RTC date and time. Once the date/time are set, the RS232 connection is not required anymore for normal data-logging operation (It can be used for debugging purpose if there is a problem). The module is shown in the figure here. Other than the microSD socket, this low-cost module...

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