mini inverter 10w 30w by transistor d313

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This is small inverter on 30 watts, It converts DC voltage from 12V battery to AC 220V-230V at 50Hz which is electricity same use in your house. It can provide 2-3 Air pump or other. You will like them because so cheap and easy to builds. Then, what is it required. When look at its bottom will see that a special feature as Figure 2 notice Importan

mini inverter 10w 30w by transistor d313
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ce : Use for voltage of 220 volts, Frequency of 50Hz(AC:220V/240V 50Hz) And use AC electrical power of 2. 8 watts (power:2. 8W) The air Pump consists of a rubber ball (similar to a pneumatic for bicycle tire) to generated to output. By The driving force between the magnet and electromagnet. Then, try to apply AC 220V to them will see that Permanent magnet vibrates very fast, so Pumping the air out. Near the same that have a similar device is a transformer coil pack, but with only a single coil. It is the electromagnet there. 1. The 50Hz frequency: has very importance, if too low frequency Strong winds are not very and when high frequency the coil will respond before, until stationary to do. 2. The Waveform balance is best perfect, When see in home electricity waveform will see that has peaks to peaks high-low. Which we can use other waveform instead so may will use the square wave. As above, we have to convert 12V battery to 220V AC 50Hz. by an inverter circuit. Which we can draw the simple block diagram As Figure 4. When apply 12-volts battery to the 50Hz frequency generator on square waveform. After that, current will flow through amplifier up. To drive the primary coil of transformer and Inductor current to the secondary coil. into the 220V AC 50 Hz as you need ready to use with the air pump. In conditions, I select the oscillated generator circuit by dual transistors. As used an 2 led alternating flasher circuit. As...

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