modified battery charger circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Using a transistor won`t give accurate results, moreover the setting part would become very tedious. The circuit is technically correct, if you can adjust the tripping point correctly, then it might just work. Vinod: I made the charger (hysteresis) but there is a problem. i will attach the image to explain the problem. When i connect multimeter in that particular red dots,

modified battery charger circuit
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the voltage shows 16. 8. (0. 43 A) but when i disconnect battery from the charger and measured again. then there is no problem. the out put is 14. 2. And the other pin of the relay(through the current limiting resistor) will deliver a clean output voltage of 13. 9 (0. 033A). Why this is happening. The only change i have made from this circuit is to grab the green LED and R1 from there and connect it after the D6. Swagatam: It`s difficult to understand the fault, if you are the connecting meter prods across the battery terminals, it should show the average voltage of the battery and the supply voltage. not sure why it`s showing a higher voltage. Is your meter OK You can repeat the checking by switching OFF the power supply and then again switching ON the power supply keeping the meter connected to the points A and B. Hi Swagat, Atlast i made a charger that suits my needs. this is the schematic. (plz look attachment). Until battery gets 13v this is a constant current charger(400-500mA). After 13v, charging current is 25mA. And the LED`s indicate the charging stages. Regards Vinod chandran

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