picaxe 18X repeater controller

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Decided to quench my curiosity and see if a PICAXE-18X chip running at 4Mhz. was capable of this application. I also wanted to have a go at a project from the ground up. Designing the circuit, drawing up the printed circuit board artwork, etching the circuit board, programming the PICAXE in BASIC and hooking up the circuit board to a couple of surplus VHF radios as a repeater. Being that I am only one of

picaxe 18X repeater controller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

four amateur radio operators in a 300 mile radius that uses our NHRC-4 controlled 2 meter repeater here in the outback in North West Australia, it`s possible that I will never use this circuit. So I encourage anyone to make improvements to any part of this project. The audio section of this project is not my design but was found on another Amateur Radio Operators web site elsewhere on the net. Thanks K5LXP. Also, I think it was a featured article in the magazine "QST" about 10 years ago. So it seems to be the standard OpAmp audio circuit for a simple PIC approach to controlling a Amateur radio repeater. This project uses a MC145436 DTMF chip for remote control and remote program changes. This basic controller features standard features in many others repeater controllers. Adjustable Time Out Timer, adjustable ID Timer, Morse Code Id`er with 11 available spaces for the call, i. e. DE_XX#XXX/R, adjustable Hang Timer delay, 3 programmable Roger Beeps, 3 digit password, all programmed in decimal. not HEX! All programmable via DTMF tones once the "BASIC" program has been downloaded into the PICAXE chip with the program and defaults settings. It also ID`s to a small speaker if required. I found the Speaker Output handy while programming. There are 3 power MOSFETs as switches, 2 used and 1 spare. There are 9 status LED`s for such things as 5 volts OK, COR active, Morse ID, DTMF Tones OK, Mute DTMF Tones, Repeater Muted, PTT...

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