simple 20 watt tube emergency light

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This simple home emergency lights uses very few components yet is able to produce a reasonable amount of light. The components used are very common and can be easily procured from the local electronic retailer. This oscillations forces an AC in the secondary winding of the transformer which is further induced into the primary of thetransformer

simple 20 watt tube emergency light
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and stepped up to the corresponding rated value ofthe transformer. The transformer used is an ordinary 12-0-12 volt 1Amp rated, it can be retrieved from any old, junk power supply unit that might be lying in your electronic junk box. The transistor also is an ordinary type, here a 2N6101 is shown, but any other similar type will do. You may try a 2N3055 transistor or even a D1351 in place of the specified one. However you cannot expect full striking brightness from this circuit. When I tested this circuit, I could never bring the tube light to its actual specified striking brightness.

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