simple 3 phase power supply

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The supply generates a low voltage (<18 Volt) low current 3 phase sinosoidal waveform. This waveform is used to switch high power MOSFETs on and off producing a 3 phase high current square wave output. Yes. yes you`ll get all sorts of harmonics and noise driving the motor from a square wave. but, hey - at least it`ll work. DISCLAIMER: this design

simple 3 phase power supply
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

hasn`t been tested in real life yet! Only, good ol` spice simulations. Well. let`s start with some pictures. At some point I`ll update this article with details about the design. But, try as I might, I just don`t have the time right now. I know what you`re thinking, that 1n4148 diode doesn`t look right, does it. Well! Its not!. I warned you. Only spice simulation so far. You`re probably wondering what the actual spice simulation looks like. Well, wonder no more. I won`t leave you a wandering! Its worth noting that this supply takes about one second for all three phases to be generated at full duty cycle and at 120 degree phase difference.

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