simple led automatic daynight lamp

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The power supply used here is a capacitive type, thus no transformer is incorporated making the circuit very compact and fixable in any small corner of the particular premise. The use of LEDs in place of a filament bulb makes the application very powereconomicand efficient. The proposed LED automatic day night lamp switch circuit diagram shows

simple led automatic daynight lamp
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

red LED being used, however white LEDs would suit the application better, as that would help illuminate the area better than the red LEDs. The 10 Ohms resistor helps to cancel out the initial surge or the voltage rush that might otherwise be potentially harmful to the further stages of the circuit. The MOV or the varistor placed after the 10 Ohm resistor emhances the protection feature of the unit and grounds all surges that might sneak in after the 10 Ohm resistor. The first transistor is wired up as a comparator, which compares the potential difference across the variable resistor andconductswhen the voltage across it rises to saturation levels. Theabove rise in the voltage level takes place when the relevant magnitude of light falls on the LDRsurface. Once the resistance of the LDR falls below the set threshold due to higher ambient light, the transistor conducts.

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