simple mixer

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The first two are `passive` elements and op-amp is an `active` element. Also: the first two are `two-terminal` elements and the op-amp is a `three-terminal` element. Resistor has the ability to define the current that flows through it when a voltage is applied to its terminals. Vice-versa: when a current flows through it a precise voltage drop app

simple mixer
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ears on its terminals. The simple (most frequently used) formula is: -> the first formula you read as: when a current of value I flows through a resistor of value R it produces a voltage drop of valuer U accross its two terminals. In audio mixer we use resistors to adapt the internal resistences (-> impedances) of op-amps. Also: to define the necessary voltages by `dropping` them with resistor combinations. Capacitor (in our use) is an element that blocks the DC (direct current) voltages (-> supply voltages) but lets through the AC (alternate current) voltages (-> signals). We need DC voltage to supply the energy to the active element and to define its optimum working conditions). Also: capacitors are used to store the energy (-> we use it as such in stabiliser circuit) or to filter out the undesired AC voltages (-> we use it as such in `decoupling` the DC voltage supply lines). Impedance is a term defining the `passive` nature of elements (the one that `consumes` the energy). For audio frequencies we can assume that resistor has only resistence and that capacitor has only capacitance. Active element also has both, but because we use the most `perfect` active element - operational amplifier, we can forget impedances and simply say: Operational amplifier is a three-terminal (input terminal, output terminal and common terminal) active (ampifying) element with infinite input resistence, zero output resistence and infinite...

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