sms based device control using at89s52 amp nokia 3310

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

I have completed this above mentioned project. People have had SMS contl on Siemens/Ericsson/and other phones but they have a modem on them, and comapratively simpler coding is needed. Older nokia fones use FBUS protocol which is their (nokia) own difficulkt protocol made up of innumerable bytes @ 115kbps. Some site

sms based device control using at89s52 amp nokia 3310
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s like give a detailed description on the protocol. also have done commendable work. But all other people have done it with AVR(with larger RAM). I have done it with 256byte RAM on 89S52. I have 4 devices (relays) which can be controlled(on & off). instead i`ll put up the hex code, general ckt and most important ->an excel sheet(which i had made for myslf from sites like gnokii and embedtronics) which explains the FBUS in details. these fbus commands definitely will make life easier (believe me. its a hell xperience to understand the protocol in itself). Thats the reason Rickey`s World is here. complete information and i don`t hide anything i work on. soon i will be posting two projects based on IR remote. 1)As shyam said there is lots of support on FBUS and a li`ll googling will help u on this, but he has failed to understand that he wont find stuff for 8052. Nobody(not even embedtronics. com, which I mentioned) has direct info or the codes for FBUS, which I think I have uploaded in my earlier posts. If I was the stingy "Indian" as Ajay has notoriously christened me, I would have hesitated to even put that up 2)If somebody is there to help u out and he says he will be with u during the hardship, u shud be happy and proud of his company. If I were to give away the code, wheres the learning process. instead I m saying I will help in every which way to let u understand the working and coding. 3)During my development I tried...

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