sound origin direction finder

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A sound origin direction indicator comprising a flat square-shaped form having four sound transducer/amplifier units mounted at its four corners, four rows of solid state lamps radiating from its center to the corners and an electronics system attached to the transducers and lamps to operate the device. It has now been found that, with the proper

sound origin direction finder
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electronics package, a system of sound transducer/amplifier units and solid state lamps can be arranged to accurately determine the direction from which a sound has emanated to create the sound origin direction finder. The hereinafter described device solves problems associated with prior art sound direction locating systems by (a) being easily portable, (b) being simple to operate, (c) being inexpensive, (d) not being affected by echos, and (e) not requiring repetitious sounds in order to operate. For purposes of simplicity the device (the sound origin direction finder) hereinafter described will be called a sound origin direction indicator (SODI) throughout the following specification. The SODI herein described is designed to indicate the direction of a sound source at any point within a full 360. degree. It will be recognized that the device could easily be altered so as to only cover 90. degree. , 180. degree. , or 270. degree. if it were desired to do so. A plan view of a 360. degree. field SODI of thesound origin direction finder is shown in FIG. 1. The plan view depicts the device as having a box or housing with a square flat upper surface 11. A battery power supply 12 is shown as being packaged separately and is attached to an internal electronic package 14 by means of a power lead 13. It will be readily recognized that the power supply could be internally contained rather than being located externally as shown....

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