
Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The circuits and wiring diagrams below have been tested on several hi-fi stereo systems with no damage to the systems. However, I cannot be responsible for some hair-brained engineer who may have used a radical design that might be damaged by an unorthodox speaker hookup. Use these circuits at your own risk. After reading many articles about surro

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und sound I have come to the conclusion that most of the writers haven`t done their homework. Some writers trace the origin of surround sound to the 1976 movie Star Wars. Others trace it to the abortive attempts at marketing quadraphonic (four-channel) stereo in the early 1970`s. Where did surround sound originate; what was the first surround sound movie So far, the earliest reference I have seen to what is now called surround sound was a documentary on the making of the 1940 Disney movie, Fantasia. The concept of encoding a third channel into a stereo signal is so simple that I`m sure it was thought of as soon as stereo sound was developed. What about Star Wars Star Wars was released in a six-channel stereo format which was already at least 15 years old in 1976. I suspect the truth is that, starting with Star Wars, surround sound became almost universally used for movie prints destined for theaters lacking the more expensive multichannel sound systems. Home theater surround sound is simply a by-product of these prints. There is no need to re-record the sound for home video. Once a movie is encoded with surround sound, it remains with the movie for the home video release. With standard stereo, the separate signals are sent to separate speakers, one to the right of the listener and one to the left. The sounds produced by the speakers may seem to come from one speaker or the other, or may seem to come from empty space...

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