synth diy

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Some of the components for the EQ are mounted on the pots. The only additions I`ve made to the circuit from the last posted schematic is to add a feedback loop from the line output to the switched side of the first input jack, so that the connection is cut when something else is plugged in. This feedback loop allows it to act as a sound source in

synth diy
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

its own right, even without any inputs. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Although I hadn`t planned on doing so at first, I`ve decided to add the MC4024 VCO to Loid. I used the extra space on the board to add a 4015 shift registe r pair as well. The 4015 is yet another wires-straight-to-pins build. Found this thing at a second-hand store cheap- since it`s made out of clear(ish) plastic, I could see a couple of resistors on the circuit board, and thought it would be worth checking out for the price, in case one of them was a pitch control. Score! It was. Below is a shot (kinda blurry, sorry) of the circuit before bending. The resistor marked R2 ³ is the pitch resistor. You can also see the backside of the built-in speaker: The rest of the circuit wasn`t very exciting, the sound-making part was a blob-type IC. The other possible bend would have been to add external play triggering, but retriggering while it was already playing didn`t interrupt what was already playing, so that wasn`t super-exciting either. What I ended up doing was taking out the existing resistor, replacing it with a 10k (it was 55k), and adding a 500k pot inline. Here`s a shot of the board after modification, notice the heat-shrink tubing around the resistor for added strength: I ended up having to add a second...

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