usb only sc1

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The modification I`ve made is based on Steve Chambers SC1 modification and the further improvement by Phil Davis, but does not use the additional parallel port connection. I consider all differences from the original SC1 modification and Phil`s improvement as my intellectual property. Information from this homepage can be used only for noncommerc

usb only sc1
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ial purposes. I strictly forbid to sell this information or webcams modified according to this instructions. I do not guarantee that this modification will work with your Philips ToUcam Pro 840k, nor do I take over any responsibilites if your webcam, PC or any other related equipment is not working anymore after you`ve carried out this modification. The original SC1 modification uses an additional parallel port connection to the PC to remote control the exposure time of the Philips ToUcam Pro 840k. You have to attach the webcam to the USB-port and the additional cable to the LPT-port of your PC. I figured out a way how you can remote control the exposure time with the USB cable only. You don`t need this parallel port cable anymore. As mentioned above, this modification does the same thing like the well known SC1 modification: it blocks the charge transfer pulses from the Philips SAA8116HL to the NEC PD16510 driver and disables the shutter. The circuit for disabling the shutter pulses looks slightly different than the one from the original SC1 mod. The reason why I`ve done this change is not very exiting: I had no change-over-switch in my lab, only an ON-OFF switch. So I tied pin 10 of PD16510 permanently to high (3, 3V) via R1 and the output pin 97 of SAA8116HL can drive it low if S1 is closed. The benefit is a two wire connection to the switch instead of 3 wires. The Philips processor SAA8116HL has an undocumented feature....

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