
Posted on Apr 2, 2012

Adding a pair of one shots to the output of a 567 tone decoder renders it less sensitive to out-of-band signals and noise. Without the one shots, the 56Tis prone to spurious output chatter. Other protection schemes, such as feeding back outputs or using an input filter, do not work as well as the one shots. The output of the 567 is high in the absence of a tone and becomes low when it detects a tone. The tone decoder triggers a one shot via an AND gate. The one shot`s period is set to slightly less than the duration of a tone burst.

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When the output of the tone decoder decreases, it triggers the second one shot. The second one shot"s period is set to slightly less than the interval between tone bursts. The flip-flop enables and disables the inputs to one shots so that spurious outputs from the tone decoder do not affect the output.

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