3 Channel Color Organ Circuit

Posted on Apr 16, 2012

The ac line power is brought back into the circuit through Fl, a protective 5-A fuse. One side of the ac line is connected to one side of each ac outlet. The other side of the ac line is connected to each SGR or silicon-controlled rectifier. Each SCR is, in turn, connected to the other side of each ac outlet.An audio signal is brought into the circuit from a stereo speaker by transformer Tl. This transformer has 500- Impedance on the primary and 8- impedance on its secondary. Connect Tl so that the 8- side is connected to the speaker and the 500- side is connected to potentiometer PI.Potentiometer PI is used as a level or sensitivity control.

3 Channel Color Organ Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The signal from its wiper lead is applied to each RC filter stage. Because each SCR has a different RC (resistor/capacitor) filter on its gate lead, each will respond to different frequencies. The greater the capacitance in the filter, the lower the frequency that the SCR will respond to.

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