Press light switch double circuit 3

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Darlington is a tube made double clam touch switch circuit is characterized by a touch sheet and 20V AC mains through the power transformer T isolated, relatively safe. After t

Press light switch double circuit 3
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he circuit is powered, 2pOV Optional AC transformer T Buck, VDl-VD4 bridge rectifier and C. Filtering, mountain about 10V DC voltage output for the Darlington circuit and a relay switch control circuit electricity. Darlington VT1 and VT2 are in the OFF state state, two station contact K of relay point kl and k-2 are open, lights finger pressing a r electrode sheet M2, a DC voltage by a finger iL mesh l and to VT2 Tre eight base current, VT2 conduction, the relay station K was jU slow, contact k1, k2 closed. Sheet 1. k-2 so that F Sh electroluminescent lamp, k1 resistor R. Access circuit so that when the circuit self-locking finger from the M2, since the R, WJ then. Relay still stays energized, spider F always light. Suddenly turn off the lights when needed, just use your fingers to press down electrical Almost sheet Ml, this time Darlington quickly saturated conduction VT1, VT2 ridicule the base grant the potential to make a sword fell off relay and zero electrical K release, its contact station k J, k2 jump thirty. IU lamp E goes out. VT1 and VT2 to adopt a very high number of peer River enlarged u850 Darlington diode, as the reader can not find such a pipe to be used in multiples of two release Gerbera type silicon NI 200 in 0014, N diode-connected into a composite pipe instead of Darlington s tube. K preferably JZC-22F, 22 00 ultra-compact towel power relays, it has two changeover contacts, access point capacity 2A, line package r as voltage is OV. T Oh Saikawa 220V/9V, 5VA small power converter Lian device. The touch electrode made of iron sheet available canned cut into 2-cent coin size sheet-shaped paid, then cut from the Secretary, the distance of about 1n, tr. Left and right, and then paste it in the plastic housing L ur.

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