CP2128 white LED driver circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

CP2128 is a low noise, fixed frequency step-up garden DC / DC converter, in the case where the input voltage range of 2.7 ~ 4.5V, the device can generate an output voltage of 5V to eat, the maximum output current up to 100MA. C CP2128 few external

CP2128 white LED driver circuit
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components, is ideally suited for small, battery-roar as the source applications. CP2128 charge pump output can reduce volatility and input in full load to zero load. CP2128 have thermal protection, can withstand continuous UOUT ground. CP2128 high switching frequency, allowing the use of small ceramic capacitors. Technical characteristics (1) CP2128 of The main technical characteristics are as follows CP2128. O low noise, fixed frequency. Output Current: 100mA. 1.8MHz switching frequency. fixed output voltage of 5 (1 4%) V. input voltage range of 2.7 ~ 4.5V. automatic soft-start to reduce inrush current. no inductance. shutdown Icc <1 A. (2) CP2128 typical application circuit CP2128 application areas: mobile phones, digital sipping player, MP3 player, PDA, laptop computers, GPS receivers. CP2128 typical application circuit is shown in Fig. Typical application circuit of Figure CP2128

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