LED mood Lamp with PIC16F628

Posted on Mar 23, 2013

This high power led mood light is based on PIC16F628 and the ability of this mcu to produce PWM pulses. Varying pulse width we can produce millions of color combinations using only the three basic colors. So only one RGB (Red-Green-Blue) led is capable producing a rainbow of fading colors. With the help of four switches we can handle all functions of the lamp. We can choose fading or jumping between colors, we can select a rainbow style or a random color changing behavior, we can choose slow or fast changing of colors and we can pause on a desired color.

LED mood Lamp with PIC16F628
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You can use your imagination to find a housing that will be able to diffuse colors uniformly. Color difussion is necessary to achieve best results. In original design the author used the 45cm IKEA Mylonit lamp. That's a great housing for your lamp. Instead you can use the smaller 31cm IKEA Mylonit lamp with the same amazing results. That's the lamp we used in our construction. The led used is a high power 3W RGB LED. It can be found on ebay at LEDSEE-electronics. You can also check ebay for other high power RGB leds. It will do the jod the same way. Details of this brilliant led shown below. Here is a list of the components i used for making the led mood lamp. - 3 x NPN transistors capable of driving 500 mA, for example the BC337 - one PIC 16F628(A) and a programmer - a small perforated circuit board - 7 x 10K resistors (1/4W) - 1/2 watt resistors (2x 22 Ohm, 4x 10 Ohm) and a DIP switch - a power supply (5 volts, 500 mA) - Ikea Mylonit lamp or other housing - silicon paste from your local DIY shop (if you want to use a heatsink) - one z-power 3 watt rgb led - a little heatsink and some cooling paste (if you want to use a heatsink) Programming the PIC16F628 can be achieved using this very simple pic programmer and a program called ic-prog. Just use your programmer and upload the .hex file on your PIC. For successful results you should pay attention on the fuse bits. You should enter the correct fuses...

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