digital clock circuit

Posted on Dec 13, 2012

The Clock Controller was designed to be an exemplary of using 'C' language to control timer0interrupt, 7-segment LED and keypad scanning. It provides 1-bit sink currentdriving output, for driving a relay, opto-triac, say. Many projects requiring7-segment display and keypad interfacing may get the idea from the Clockcircuit and software.

digital clock circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Figure 1 shows a circuitdiagram of the Clock Controller V1.1. P10-P1.7 drives 7-segment commonanode LED with sink current. P3.0-P3.3 also drives a base pin of 4-PNPtransistor, 2n2907 with sink current. As shown in the figure, the 2nd 2-digitLED that conne

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