Counter Circuits
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This is a successor of the PIC16C71 4-digit LED f-counter & V-meter. Some hard to find parts used in the previous version, which are out of production for some time, has been omitted. A rather early PIC16C71 has also been replaced by 28-pin device PIC16F876.....
The high-tech credit card has been nicknamed "microcontroller super card" because of all the great improvement ideas. I showed how to first verify the code, and then upload on to the arduino board. I then wrote a code for the counter to go from 0 to 9 using....
I bought one CI-22BG tube and one CI-3BG tube for total of 16G. Because I didn`t have anything radioactive to test my Geiger counter, I also ordered a piece of radioactive Fiesta dinnerware from ebay. Red Fiestware used to have uranium oxide in its glaze....
The circuit shown below can be used for measuring frequency or Hz. The IC is very simple to make andutilizesjust a single IC 4033 and a common cathode display as the mainingredients. If higher frequencies in the the order of two or threedigitsare required to....
A very simple frequency counter circuit is shown below and can be easily built by any electronic enthusisat for the intended purpose. The circuitdiagramwas provided by Mr. Kapital through an order in Fiverr. com, I was asked to explain the functioning by....
This circuit measures the distance covered during a walk. Hardware is located in a small box slipped in pants` pocket and the display is conceived in the following manner: the leftmost display D2 (the most significant digit) shows 0 to 9 Km. and its dot is....
The Digital Counter Circuit is an electronic project that converts digital numbers (0-9) to binary (0-1). If you want to understand binary code, please click on "Binary Code PPT" to view a PowerPoint on Binary Code. Below is the Parts List, Schematic, and....
This post provides the implementation of free running counter ( using c language ) for PIC16F84A micro-controller. This code is written in such a way that,....
This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, "" How to implement a up down counter using PIC16F877 ? "" Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you....
I found some relatively cheap ex-army radiation detectors at an army-dump shop. One of them appeared to be suitable to even detect the (usually low) background radiation levels: A Frieseke & Hoepfner FH40T Geiger counter (fitted with a FHZ76V....
It uses the simpler method of direct frequency measurement which is easy to do but means that the number of digits displayed depends on the input frequency. If you want to display all digits all the time there is a technique called reciprocal counting- but....
At the start condition all pin 15 are connected to the ground, so R0 is energized. A 555multivibrator sendsthe clock signalto IC1, which activates the outputs from R0 to R8. This simple circuit can be utilized to drive a monostable relay through a single....
This is the circuit diagram of a very simple up down counter that can be used of a large number of applications. The circuit is based on the IC CD40110BE which is a CMOS decade up/down counter. For ICs are used here. Common cathode seven segment display is....
This circuit is design of the counter timer that using countdown calculation. This circuit is using 555 IC as main control. 555 IC is a counter IC and a transistor switch to activate a relay either ON/OFF (mode selected by a jumper) as soon as the counting....
Coin detector and counter : How to detect different types of coins from their effect on an oscillating magnetic field....
and C code for a frequency counter circuit operating up to about 50MHz using a multiplexed seven segment display and uses timer 1 to count edges of the input signal....
and C code for a PIC frequency counter operating up to about 50MHz. The project uses an HD47880 LCD for the display and uses timer 1 to count edges of the input signal....
This simple counter can be used to count pulses, as the basis for a customer counter (like you see at the doors of some stores), or for anything else that may be counted....
This circuit measures the distance covered during a walk. Hardware is located in a small box slipped in pants` pocket and the display is conceived in the following manner: the leftmost display D2 (the most significant digit) shows 0 to 9 Km. and its dot is....
This circuit measures the distance covered during a walk. Hardware is located in a small box slipped in pants` pocket and the display is conceived in the following manner: the leftmost display D2 (the most significant digit) shows 0 to 9 Km. and its dot is....
This simple counter can be used to count pulses, as the basis for a customer counter (like you see at the doors of some stores), or for anything else that may be counted. The circuit accepts any TTL compatible logic signal, and can be expanded easily ..
This circuit measures the distance covered during a walk. Hardware is located in a small box slipped in pants` pocket and the display is conceived in the following manner: the leftmost display D2 (the most significant digit) shows 0 to 9 Km. and its dot is....
The basic digital circuits are Flip Flop and Counter, both are here. This circuit can be cascaded to make even a 6 digit event counter, even a simple frequency counter can be made. These are best done with microcontrollers today. Then what if you have to....
AFX slot car sets are very enjoyable but you can increase the fun with a lap counter. This circuit will count from 00 to 99, with independent counters for each track. The sensing device used is a Hall effect sensor (UGN3503; available from Dick Smith....
This circuit is a toy to encourage young children to count. Power is turned on by switch S1, then S2 is closed. This makes nine LEDs flash slowly. S2 is then opened and the LEDs go out. Pressing push-button PB1 turns on a random number of LEDs - briefly -....
The circuit described here counts the number of times that an infrared beam is interrupted. It could be used to count the number of people entering a room, for instance, or how often a ball or another object passes through an opening (handy for playing....