PWM DC Motor Controller PIC 12F683

Posted on Jan 26, 2013

A variable resistor provides a voltage input to the PIC which is converted to a digital value using the onboard Analogue to Digital convertor, this in turn is used to set the PWM duty cycle. Since the PWM duty cycle is adjusted using a voltage signal input to the PIC it is possible to use an alternative analogue front-end instead of VR1 to provide this voltage input and therefore control of the duty cycle. A push button cycles through three different PWM frequencies: 980Hz, 3.9Khz and 15.6Khz. The setting is saved to EEPROM so it always powers up using the last selected frequency and an LED indicates the current setting.

There is also a digital control input that allows the output driver to be turned off. The PIC12F683, IC1 has an internal hardware PWM peripheral that is used to generate the PWM signal. The duty cycle of the PWM signal is controlled by VR1 which via R1 p

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