100W ultra-CPI amplifier circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

CPI is 100w DC super power amplifier circuit composed by the AP500. FIG VTs, Vr7 and VT6, VTs parallel push-pull amplifier output stage the composition, to increase the output

100W ultra-CPI amplifier circuit
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power. The circuit output power up loow, in order to improve the ability AP500 driven by VT3, VT4 composition of the buffer amplifier stage. In addition to output in parallel to increase the output power, but also reduces the FET input attenuation junction capacitance audio harmonics, the input signal to keep the original sound. In addition to improving the output of the circuit linearity, improved damping characteristics also have a role in O VTl, VT2, RPi and VDi.VD2 output circuit composed of ultra-CPI bias circuit, the amplifier circuit has a high-quality Class A and Class B high efficiency. fl, VT2 constant voltage bias, the bias voltage can be adjusted to adjust RP2 can change the output transistor quiescent current. The final output tube circuit quiescent current is adjusted lo ~ 60mAoVDi, f bah to prevent backflow circuit, allowing current to flow only to set direction and allowed to flow in the opposite direction, which ensures super CPI bias circuit in any the case does not appear output MOSFET is off work status o

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