555 transistor characteristic curve tracer circuit diagram

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in Figure 555 is the transistor characteristic curve tracer circuit depict transistor characteristics, to have two voltages, one step wave is applied b pole for genera

555 transistor characteristic curve tracer circuit diagram
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ting different Ib, the second is on the sawtooth c pole, its period staircase corresponds to depict Ic-Vcc characteristic curve. As illustrated, 555 and R1, R2, C1 composition astable multivibrator, the oscillation frequency f 1.44 (R1 + 2R2) C1. Illustration parameter f 1100Hz. C2, R3 composed of the integrating circuit for generating a ramp, through VT4 emitter follower output, added to the oscilloscope vertical Y and enter the test tube c pole. C3, D1, VT1 ~ VT3, C4 and other components ladder wave generator, every five oscillation cycles, charging voltage on C4 to make VT3 conduction, C4 discharge, formed five steps. C4 on a single charge, VT2 emitter voltage drops that form a step. Step wave through R4 is added to the test tube b pole. The test tube is figure VTx. After the oscilloscope connected to an IV characteristic curve shown in Figure b.

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