Advertising lights controller circuit diagram 555

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in FIG ad decorative lamp control circuit. The controller consists of a pulse generator, a frequency divider, matrix circuit and thyristor control circuit.IC1 and R1,

Advertising lights controller circuit diagram 555
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R2, C1 and other components multivibrator, the oscillation frequency of f 1.44/(R1 + 2R2 C1, corresponding to the icon parameter is about 4Hz.IC2 and trigger circuit R3, R4, C2 and other components to achieve a square wave output of IC1 divided by two, as shown in (b) of the flip-flop circuit b shown .IC3 and R5, R6, C3 and other components to achieve the third of a square wave a of IC1 output frequency, as shown in ( .IC4 C shown in b), and the flip-flop circuit R7, R8, C4 and other components to achieve square wave output from IC1 a six-division, as shown in (b) of the D Fig. The matrix circuit A, B, C, D four different waveforms according to a certain logic combination, to obtain a combination of three types of state changes, the corresponding logic circuit matrix is: Y1 A + CD, Y2 ABC + ACD + BCD, Y3 AB + AD, and the relationship between the waveform Y1, Y2, Y3 is as shown in (c) in Fig. With Y1, Y2, Y3 three pulses to trigger triac SCR1, SCR2, SCR3, you can make three lights work. The three lights different combinations, you get many of the decorative pattern or graphic ad shape. If you change the logical combination of the matrix, but also get more variation.The controller can be realized on three sets of lights to control, thus achieving the status of three combinations of variations, which can be used for decorative lighting applications.

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