Digital Remote Thermometers

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor`s output voltage proportional to the measured temperature. The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables. The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.

Digital Remote Thermometers
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The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00. 0 to 99. 9 °C range is obtained. IC1 is a precision centigrade temperature sensor with a linear output of 10mV/ °C driving IC2, a voltage-frequency converter. At its output pin (3), an input of 10mV is converted to 100Hz frequency pulses. Thus, for example, a temperature of 20 °C is converted by IC1 to 200mV and then by IC2 to 2KHz. Q1 is the driver of the power output transistor Q2, coupled to the mains supply by L1 and C7, C8. The frequency pulses coming from mains supply and safely insulated by C1, C2 & L1 are amplified by Q1; diodes D1, D2 limiting peaks at its input. Pulses are filtered by C5, squared by IC1B, divided by 10 in IC2B and sent for the final count at the clock input of IC5. IC4 is the time-base generator: it provides reset pulses for IC1B and IC5 and enables latches and gate-time of IC5 at 1Hz frequency. It is driven by a 5Hz square wave obtained from 50Hz mains frequency picked-up from T1 secondary, squared by IC1C and divided by 10 in IC2A. IC5 drives the displays` cathodes via Q2, Q3 & Q4 at a multiplexing rate frequency fixed by C7. It drives also the 3 displays` paralleled anodes via the BCD-to-7 segment decoder IC6.

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