PGA103 offset voltage correction circuit diagrams

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown for the PGA103 offset voltage correction circuit. PGA103 laser correction, so the gain of the three kinds of typical offset voltage (relative to input) are lower than

PGA103 offset voltage correction circuit diagrams
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200 V, and the gain of each different offset voltage. FIG OPA602 operational amplifier connected as a voltage follower as a buffer, the use of low voltage follower output impedance characteristics, in order to make the correction circuit and the low resistance of PGA103 pin is connected in order to maintain the accuracy of the amplifier gain. 50k potentiometer allows adjusting the offset voltage is zero, then the output voltage Vo G (VIN-VTRIM). Because the logic inputs A0, A1 is referenced feet, so OPA602 output voltage VTRIM affect calibration logic threshold voltage, and therefore should be VTRIM 0.1V.

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