Switch Debouncing

Posted on Mar 14, 2013

This circuit will remove the transient spikes and contact bounces from a non-latching push button switch. Using a 555 timer as a monostable circuit, it is easy to build a good switch debouncer circuit. There are many circuits for SPDT debouncing, but not many for a normally open, push-to-make press button switch (PBS). The 555 monostable gives an output pulse of around 20 msec with component values shown.

Switch Debouncing
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The 555 circuit can be re-triggered if the input is held low longer than the output pulse. To prevent this happening, I have included a further timing circuit comprised of the 1Meg resistor and 47n capacitor. Normally, the 47n capacitor is discharged via

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