
Posted on Jun 5, 2012

This circuit is effective for lamp and heater loads. Some circuits driving reactive loads require integral cycling and zero-voltage switching-when an identical number of positive and negative half cycles of voltage are applied to the load during a power period. The circuit, although not strictly a relay because of the three-terminal power connection, performs the integral cycle ZVS function when interfaced with the previous coil circuits.

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Fiber optics offers advantages in power control systems. Electrical signals do not flow along the nonconducting fiber, minimizing shock hazard to both operator and equipment. EMIIRFI pick up on the fiber is nonexistent-although high gain receiver circuits might require shielding, eliminating noise pick-up errors caused by sources along the cable route. Both ac and de power systems can be controlled by fiber optics using techniques sinillar to the optoisolator solid-state relay. Triac triggering is accomplished through the Cl06BX301, a low gate trigger current SCR, switching line voltage derived current to the triac gate via the full-wave rectifier bridge. The primary difference between fiber optics solid-state relay circuits and optoisolator circuits is the gain; photo currents are much smaller.

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