Some Thoughts on Nazi Disc Shaped Flying Machines

Posted on Jul 31, 2015

There are two ways to overcome the effect of gravity using electromagnetic forces: 1. Using a rotating magnetic field and a radial current flow. The force is in the direction of vB q , so out of the page for the configuration shown in Fig. 1. Electron flow (or the negative current) can be realized using a conducting disk, or a donut shaped container that holds a conductive fluid or gas. Transverse magnetic field can be realized using windings around the donut container.

Some Thoughts on Nazi Disc Shaped Flying Machines
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2. Using a radial magnetic field and a rotating current. Current can be realized using a metallic disk or a conductive fluid /gas inside a donut shaped container. A metallic disk can be rotated as in the case of Arago’s disk. 

Vril Triebwerk is shown in Fig. 3. 
Positive top attracts free-electrons and pump them into the vortex chamber. The chamber is where the Drehkörper rotates. 
By controlling the vortex speed, velocity of up lift can be controlled. Electromagnets (EMs) have perpendicular magnetic fields (to the – plates) so the plates move in CW direction. 
Rotation of ionized particles form a vortex in Aether. 
A secondary steerable vortex is used for steering. I assume this is provided by the Glocke. 
By  4beowulf7 - [email protected]

PCB file: Click here to download 255 file.PCB file: Click here to download 255 file.

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