1.3 Volt Power Source

Posted on Jun 19, 2012

This is a replacement power source for 1.3V mercury cells or other small batteries. It has many uses and I use this circuit in my computer to power a front panel multi adapter which has a digital thermometer. This circuit takes it power from a PC. The power connectors have colour coded wiring, red and black are a 12V supply, black and yellow are a 5V supply. These are extremely high current so absolute care must be taken to avoid short circuits and an inline fuse of 100mA is recommended.

1.3 Volt Power Source
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The 1.3V is derived from a Red LED. When on and forward biased the LED`s voltage drop between anode and cathode is about 1.9V, this is too high for mercury cell powered equipment, but fed in series with a 1N4148 signal diode drops around 0.6V, the su

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