
Posted on Mar 15, 2013

Output voltage great enough to jump a l-inch gap can be obtained from a 12-V power source. A 555 timer IC is connected as an astable multivibrator that produces a narrow negative pulse at pin 3. The pulse turns Ql on for the duration of the time period. The collector of Ql is direct-coupled to tbe base of tbe power transistor Q2, turning it on during the same time period.

Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The emitter of Q2 is direct -coupled through current limiting resistor R5 to the base of the power transistor. Q3 switches on, producing a minimum resistance between the collector and emitter. The high-current pulse going through tbe primary of high-voltage transformer Tl generates a very high pulse voltage at its secondary output terminal (labeled X). The pulse frequency is determined by tbe values of Rl, R2, and C2. The values given in the parts list were chosen to give the best possible performance when an auto-ignition coil is used for Tl.

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