Receiver/Scanner Preamp Circuit

Posted on Sep 7, 2012

The low-cost Mini-Circuits MAR-X series of chips offer the RF builder a real advantage, with their inherent 50- input and output impedances (needed for RF systems). An MAR-1-based receiver/scanner preamplifier is shown. Ci and C2 are chip capacitors. Use 0.01 for HF, 0.001 for VHF, and 100 pF for above 100 MHz, depending on the low-frequency limit that you desire.

Receiver/Scanner Preamp Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

C3 can be a ceramic disc of 0.01 or 0.001, depending on frequency range. LI is an RF choke that is suitable for the frequency range that you desire (0.1 to 10uH).

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