5W Valve RF Transmitter circuit

Posted on May 3, 2017

In this circuit, the wearer assembly consists of only one lamp, 6V6 or 6L6, which acts as an oscillator and as an output amplifier at the same time. Coil L1 is the medium wave oscillation coil. Of 6SA7. The coil L2 consists of 50 spools wrapped on a cylinder covered with a 3 cm diameter insulating material. The diameter of the wire is 0.5mm. The capacitor C1 is a double variable air of 1000pF (connect the two capacitors in parallel). C1 itself is C2. Through C1 and C2 we tune the transmitter from 2MC to 600KC.

5W Valve RF Transmitter circuit
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As we tune into the midwaves, the larger the antenna we need to place in the transmitter. For a medium wave antenna we use a copper conductor as long as possible. For the best result, the antenna should not form corners, but extend in a straight line and as high as possible from the ground. One end of the cathode is connected to the device and the other to the middle of the horizontal antenna or to one of the two edges, whereby the whole antenna is contiguous.

The transmitter amplifier consists of the ECC83 dual-triode and 6V6. The configuration is a protective mesh and is approaching 100%. The power supply uses a dry rectifier 220V for 100mA. We also use a transformer with a primary 220V and a secondary 6.3V to heat the lamps. Switch D1 is single-pole single-action and cuts off high voltage when we want to listen to other transmitters The range of the transmitter with a good antenna reaches 10-15 kilometers.

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