Mains Remote Alarm

Posted on Apr 23, 2012

Beeper and/or LED remotely-operated via mains supply line. Pressing the pushbutton of the transmitter, a sound and/or light alert is activated in the receiver. The system uses no wiring or radio frequencies: the transmitted signal is conveyed into the mains supply line. It can be used at home, in any room from attic to cellar, simply plugging transmitter and receiver in the wall mains sockets. Transmission range can be very good, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter. Simple circuitry, easy to build units.

Mains Remote Alarm
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Q1 and Q2 are wired as a Darlington pair to obtain the highest possible output from a Hartley type oscillator running at about 135KHz frequency. The 230Vac mains is reduced to 30Vdc without the use of a transformer by means of C2 reactance, a two diode re

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