FM bug circuit

Posted on Jul 9, 2012

This is just one of the many bugging devices available on the eaves-dropping market. The range includes pen and pencil holders, trophies, framed pictures and office furniture with false bottom drawers. These products are readily sold to fledgling companies, eager to nestle into big brother's market. And for a while these bugging devices worked. Few firms knew of their existence, and even less on how to sniff them out. But that has all changed now. If a corporation suspects a leak at any level, the first thing they order is an investigation into security. Not only personnel, but information and electronic security.

FM bug circuit
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Debugging has grown into big business. Most large security organisations have a section concentrating on electronic surveillance including bugging and debugging. They use scanners to detect hidden devices and can locate absolutely anything, anywhere, and on any frequency. It was only after the firm above had commissioned a scan of the entire floor, that the cigar box was discovered. Its innocence had deceived everyone. And cost them a small fortune! Bugging of this kind is completely illegal and we don't subscribe to this type of application at all. But the uses for our SUPER-SNOOP FM WIRELESS MICROPHONE can be harmless, helpful and a lot of fun. Our unit is both compact and very sensitive and can be used to pick up even the faintest of conversations or noises and transmit them 20 or so metres to any FM receiver. When you build the FM BUG you will see why we consider the design to be very clever. We have used only low priced components and they are all easy to obtain. No air trimmer capacitor is required as the coil is squeezed slightly to obtain the desired frequency. This has allowed us to fit the bug into a tooth-brush case so that it can be carried around or placed on a shelf. If it is set between two books it will be hidden from view or as a supervision accessory it can be placed on a small child, etc. The transmitted signal will over-ride the background noise and the output will be clean. If the child wanders...

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