Gas flameout alarm circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Boil water or cook with gas stove, it is sometimes due to water spills extinguish the fire mission, if not found to cause a lot of gas bF overflow occurs risk of poisoning. Thi

Gas flameout alarm circuit
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s example describes the stall alarm circuit, when the fire goes out, it will send a loud alarm. Turn off the alarm circuit is shown in Figure 13-27. Photosensitive diodes and transistors VT1, VT2 composition electronic light control switch, VT3, VT4 composed of complementary audio oscillator. When the fire burning strongly photodiode infrared radiation leaving the resistance drops, this time VT1, VF2 are closed, oscillator VT3, VT4 does not work. When the fire goes out, infrared radiation disappeared, photodiode electrical resistance rises immediately to make VT1, VT2 quickly turned oscillator VT3, VT4 get power supply by VT2, a speaker that is made out of voice. Available 2CU photodiode or 2AU series photodiodes. VT1, VT4 an ordinary 3DG8 silicon transistor, port value of 100 or so, VT2 available 9013-type silicon transistor, the sound value is greater than 50, VT3 available 3AX31B type germanium transistors, mouth to a value greater than 30, available RP trimmer. The remaining components such as circuit

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